Reagan's Backpack

Reagan, in 7th grade, will be writing periodic reviews on the blog's home page of the books that she uses in school. She enjoys homeschooling for the freedom it gives her to manage her own education.

The Essentials: Here are the basic items that make up the core of Reagan's curriculum.

Math: Saxon 8/7 
English: This year we are returning to some tried and true methods for our homeschool--we will be doing grammar, root based vocabulary, and memory time together. For grammar I will use several sources, including Rod and Staff's handbook and Michael Clay Thompson's grammar. Group vocabulary study is also done with several sources, the primary one being English from the Roots Up. Each student also works through their grade's Wordly Wise. For memory work, we will be pulling quotes from our reading, as outlined in this post.
Literature: Tapestry of Grace Year 2: Between Ancient and Modern
Spelling: MCP Spelling G
History: Tapestry of Grace Year 2: Between Ancient and Modern--We decided to bite the financial bullet this year and finally try Tapestry of Grace. They use the standard classical progression of a four year history cycle repeated three times (although they actually have pre-school curriculum included in the guides as well, which is nice for the littles who want to do what the big kids are doing). I am looking forward to seeing how it plays out this year.
Geography: Tapestry of Grace Year 2
Science: Science in the Ancient World--This is Jay Wile's (of Apologia Science fame) new program for younger students. It ties in particularly well with those who follow a chronological, classical progression for history, as it delves into the lives and times of great scientists and the experiments tie in with their great discoveries. The title is a bit misleading, as the course goes further than ancient times.
Drama: Young Minds on Fire's script write and production of Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express (1 semester of credit)
Music: music history through Tapestry, violin, and piano
Art: Tapestry of Grace Year 2: Between Ancient and Modern
Italian: Living Language Platinum
P.E.: figure skating
Food: Reagan would be hard-pressed to survive in a public school, as she enjoys the open kitchen that homeschooling allows. Girlfriend also gets seriously grouchy if she isn't fed!

Friday Co-op: On Fridays, we attend a large homeschool co-op. Each student takes four classes. Reagan's for this session are: Pre-school aide, Basic Economics, Middle School Art, and Story of Movies

Reagan's Reads: Here are a couple links

Mara, Daughter of the Nile by Eloise Jarvis McGraw
Odysseus in the Serpent Maze by Jane Yolen & Robert J. Harris


1 comment:

  1. Nice job on the blog, Mom. However, I will say that you forgot one thing that must be in my backpack. Food.
